martes, 21 de junio de 2011

Wikileaks: Hertell definió a Domínguez Brito como serio; investigó compras apartamentos Pared y Victor Gómez


Un cable clasificado como confidencial, fue revelado este martes por Wikileaks. Este describe que el ex embajador Hans Hertell en una de las acostumbradas comunicaciones al departamento de estado norteamericano definió al ex Procurador General y actual aspirante a la candidatura presidencial peledeista, doctor Francisco Domínguez Brito, como una persona de principios, luego de haber sostenido una conversación de dos horas con éste. El Embajador dijo en la correspondencia que ”Domínguez Brito es considerado ampliamente como un posible candidato presidencial, si no en el 2008, en 2012 o más tarde”. También, en el cable confidencial se comenta en varias ocasiones las extradiciones de Quirino Ernesto Paulino Castillo y los hermanos Ulloa, la trata de personas, la posible corrupción en los partidos políticos, los homicidios policiales, la situación con Haití, al igual que el tráfico de drogas y el lavado de dinero.

Asimismo, el Embajador preguntó a Domínguez Brito sobre las pruebas presentadas por la DEA a dos prominentes políticos -Secretario General del PLD, Reinaldo Pared Pérez y del Secretario General por el PRSC, Víctor Gómez Casanova, los cuales habían adquirido presuntamente apartamentos de lujo pagados en efectivo a los hermanos Ulloa, posteriormente extraditados a los Estados Unidos por cargos de narcotráfico.

Domínguez Brito indicó que no realizaron investigaciones profundas a los dos políticos por falta de pruebas.

El cable fue redactado el 1 de Febrero del 2006, está clasificado como Confidencial, y habla sobre la labor de Domínguez Brito como Procurador General de La República Dominicana, así como su proyecto de buscar la Senaduría por Santiago, su ciudad de origen.

En dicho cable se identifica a Domínguez Brito como una persona de principios, que ha realizado una excelente labor en su cargo como Procurador General, y describe la relación de la embajada con el Procurador General como productiva en los 17 meses.

En la conversación comentaron la buena labor en los temas de la aplicación de la ley, la reforma al sistema judicial, el respeto de los derechos humanos y sobre todo, las medidas contra el narcotráfico y la trata de personas.

En este Cable salen a relucir también los nombres de Cesar Pina Toribio, al cual Domínguez Brito se refieren como “una persona honesta, experto legal a favor de un enfoque institucional con ética y peso, y fuertes lazos con grupos de la sociedad civil y el la Suprema Corte” y que el embajador admite, el Presidente Fernández estima mucho.



Classified By: Ambassador Hans Hertell for Reason 1.4 (b) and (d).

¶1. (C) Summary: On January 26 Dominican Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito previewed for the Ambassador that, at the request of his political party (the ruling PLD), he will take a three-month leave of absence to run for senator from Santiago in the May 16 election. He is responding to the request of the ruling PLD. He plans to announce this decision February 2. If elected, he will reassume his AG duties from May 16 only until the August 16 inauguration of the new legislature. An eventual possible replacement as AG is respected presidential legal adviser Cesar Pina Toribio. Dominguez Brito told us he has just called Nicaragua's Attorney General to obtain documents needed to investigate charges of money laundering here by Nicaraguan ex-president Aleman. The two-hour meeting touched additionally on extraditions, combating trafficking in persons, the Quirino Paulino narcotrafficking cases, possible accession to a multilateral treaty for transfer of prisoners, progress in reducing killings by the police, and Haiti. End summary.

¶2. (U) On January 26 Dominican Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito accepted the Ambassador's invitation to drop by the Embassy to discuss his political plans as well as law enforcement and human rights issues. DCM and poloff attended. Attorney General to Make Senate Run - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

¶3. (C) Dominguez Brito said that his party, the ruling PLD, had asked him in the May 16 elections for senator from his home province, including Santiago, the nation's second largest city.

He was initially reluctant, but President Fernandez was granting him a leave of absence from February 16 to May 16 for the effort. If Dominguez Brito wins the election, he will reassume his current duties for the three months until the August 16 inauguration of the new legislature. If defeated, he will retain the post of Attorney General. He said the PLD faces a difficult situation in contending with a probable opposition alliance of the PRD and the PRSC. "My party's generals have told me I'm needed on the front where the battle is raging. How can I say no?" The campaign poses some risk to him personally, he said, because an election loss would have a high cost for his political future. He will conduct an intense campaign. The PLD planned to announce most of its candidates for the congressional and municipal elections on January 30 (Note: This announcement was subsequently postponed until February ¶5. End note.); Dominguez Brito said he would announce his bid separately. He asked the USG to hold this information closely until then. ¶4. (SBU) Dominguez Brito is generally regarded as an individual of principle, a view shared by the Ambassador and Embassy staff. He ran for the same senate seat in 2002 and narrowly lost. He believes that operatives from he PRD, his opponent's party, carried out electoral fraud. "And they are still there." Dominguez Brito is widely viewed as a potential presidential candidate, if not in 2008 then in 2012

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